Imagen del lugar
Guía Michelin
La opinión de la Guía Michelin
A dining room that delivers a festive mood along with delightful food. Yes, it's an all-around win for this large Richard Sandoval operation, spread over two floors. The setting is chic, rustic and accoutred with private rooms, brick archways and leather seats; while the bar, which offers a view of the open kitchen, is best for alcohol-fueled fun.Guacamole de bonito, uplifted by smoky charred tostadas, is a thrilling way to begin proceedings. What follows may include everything from corn empanadas with manchego, ají amarillo and chimichurri, to shrimp enchiladas made extra smoky with guajillo salsa and tangy with crema fresca. Pumpkin bread with orange blossom milk, spiced pepitas and cinnamon ice cream is a light, lovely and seasonal treat.
476 K St. NW
Washington 20001