Sel Gris

Guía Michelin
Merece la pena el paso
La opinión de la Guía Michelin
Twenty shades of grey comprise the suave, understated interior of Sel Gris, whose cosy comfort is underscored by designer fixtures and luxury finishings. However, the windows take centre stage here, as the restaurant stands on the dike and commands a knockout view of the beach and the North Sea, which are a source of inspiration for Frederik Deceuninck, whose enthusiasm can be tasted right from the appetisers. He mingles creativity and delicacy in expertly crafted recipes, often presented in several plates with a meticulous sense of detail. A few examples of his fascinating dishes: a subtle, elegant association of salmon and asparagus or pheasant served with a champagne and foie gras sauce. Frederick’s culinary flair reaches its summum in the vegetables, acidic flavours and Asian inspirations. Each bite is a festival of unprecedented flavours that interact and complement each other. The ingredient rules supreme at Sel Gris.
Zeedijk 3148301 Knokke