Moulin d'Alotz
Imagen del lugar
Guía Michelin
Merece la pena el paso
La opinión de la Guía Michelin
In this 17C Basque watermill nestling deep in a picturesque vale, a conservatory commands views of the countryside and lush green garden all year round. In summertime, your nostrils will be titillated by freshly cut herbs served as appetisers. The venue is emblematic of the ecological, humanist and gastronomic ethos of chef Fabrice Idiart. The chef’s signature menu, “Ital”, features an exemplary harmony between plant and animal ingredients, in which ineluctable veggies are underscored by plant and spicy sauces that characterise Fabrice’s distinctive, unorthodox approach. For example, the chef, also a long-standing reggae fan, crafts dishes ranging from a medley of sweet chestnuts from the Basque country perfumed with wild garlic blossom to langoustine served in a frothy coconut sauce, further enhanced by milk flavoured in lemongrass and Espelette pepper.
Puntos fuertes
Chemin Alotz-Errota
64200 Arcangues